Hi my name is Tommy Freeborn. I decided to make a blog for my photography. Feel free to let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

One Day

24 hours..... 1,440 minutes.....8,640 seconds..... however you wanna put it, its one day. so with those 1,440 minutes probably about 1/3 are spent sleeping. The average middle schooler spends about 2 hours a day on video games. If you add that up thats about 60 hours a month playing video games, and 720 hours playing video games in one year. Thats 30 days a year! Those numbers were a little shocking to me. And keep in mind this is the average person. some people don't play nearly as much... and some don't play nearly as little. Its sad. Its sad to think of 30 days wasted by something that doesnt even matter in the real world. Its sad to think that while people are everywhere starving on the streets were sitting inside not paying any attention or caring about them. So this is my challenge, to anyone who plays alot of video games or watches alot of tv or spends alot of time on the computer, next time your starting another game/ logging on facebook/ watching another american idol... stop. think about 30 days of helping someone else, Serving someone else, or encouraging someone else. Then Go. and don't just think about it but do it! Stand out, Be different, Put those 2 hours to good use that day. Thats what God did and He called us to do the same.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Chicago..... There's so much to think of when you think Chicago. Some people think of big scyscrapers, money wasting stores, and dirty subways. When I go to chicago the main thing I see is creativity. Through the scyscrapers, the stores, the subways, and the people. There's so much more going on there than we tend to see. There's people everywhere creating music. There's people designing huge massive buildings. There's people expressing themselves in the shops along the streets. Its the most creative city I've been to. Chicago to me is a perfect example of God's creation. Its God's creation at work. People using the talents he gave them. Genesis 1:27 says "so God created man in his own image" When I see the people of chicago I see the Jesus in them. Showing is special creativeness to the world through his people.